Plant Characteristics
- Zone: 5-9
- Height: 3'
- Spread: 3'
- Growth: medium
- Spacing: 3 - 4'
- Form : billowy,cloud-like, mounded
- Usage: foundation, background, area seperation,hedging
- Soil: well-drained

Green velvet boxwood is one of the hybrids developed in canada at the famous
Sheridan Nursery.These hybrids can withstand very cold temperatures and maintain
good color. Green velvet has a medium leaf,excellent color, and a very full
habit making it ideal for many applications. It is my favorite boxwood due to
its handsome, rounded, full-bodied growth with small dark green leaves. Like
most modern cultivars, it is a hybrid of Korean Boxwood (for hardiness and
compactness) and Common Boxwood (for excellent leaf color in both summer and winter).
During late winter the leaf color is best described as dark green with a bronze hue.
The noticeable but not showy flowers are cream-colored inflorescences occurring in
late April and early May on established plants. The flowers are somewhat fragrant
and usually attract bees. Green Velvet Boxwood can be used individually or in clusters
and is commonly used as a hedge or foundation planting. It is easily shearable into
different shapes. Green Velvet like most Boxwood is traditionally planted in shady
sites. However, it is very tolerant of sunny locations as long as it receives
sufficient moisture.